Who is Deborah Does?

Who is Deborah Does?

Find out a bit about me and why I am on a campaign to promote healthy living.

My name is Deborah (who would’ve thought). I am from Sydney, Australia. I like doing healthy stuff.

The name of my blog ‘Deborah Does’ is a little provocative, if you are unsure why, I would suggest not looking it up on your work computer. My blog is about my experiences with different healthy food, supplements and fitness regimes. Helping the community to become a little bit better informed about healthy choices.

Why did I start Deborah Does?

Even as a young pup I was a healthy eater — at 10-years-old I would pack my salad and water for lunch. It would probably come back to the fact that my mother was a nurse and always practised healthy eating habits. I grew up in a majority female household, so practicing healthy habits in particular for women was something my mother always encouraged.

Then there was my teenage years. As a teen, I became a smoker and enjoyed a good boogie with my girlfriends on the weekend. Yep, smoking is a horrible habit, and coming home at 3am was never going to be healthy for me. This was all part of my ‘student life’ experience, which included no exercise (other than my night time boogie) and eating whatever I could afford.

In 2011, I quit smoking, this was a big life decision and part of my maturing stage of my life. I decided I would take up going to the gym to replace the dirty smoking habit and start practising a healthy lifestyle. I was hooked. I started signing for marathons (I know, crazy, Deborah does marathons) and started to eat really well. It was hard at times making this transition, but I honestly have never felt better.

Especially in women, healthy lifestyle and weight can be a huge issue, and dramatically impact your happiness. I truly believe you are what you eat, and that being fit will encourage you to be happy.

Deborah does is about sharing our experiences with fitness and healthy eating. My diet and exercise tips can inspire change in your life that will have a huge impact, I hope you enjoy the blog.

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