Deborah Does Fitness

Part 2: Workout from Home

December 9, 2015
Home Workouts | Deborah Does

Deborah does home workouts

Holy smokes! I am guessing most of us just saw the Victoria’s Secret fashion show. Maybe we feel a little more inspired to hit the gym and do a workout. Most of us are also thinking, “how will I get the time to work out?!?! Why can’t I just look like Gigi Hadid!” I am not making any promises that all a sudden you will look like a VS Angel but these home workouts can certainly help.


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Deborah Does Healthy Living

Drink Smarter This Holiday Season

December 7, 2015
Christmas cheer | Deborah does

The holiday season is fast approaching. Hooray! It’s the time of the year we all indulge a little more. This may be your families famous Christmas roast or a few drinks near the BBQ with cousin Sam. I know during the holidays we do ‘treat ourselves’ more, but it’s amazing how little we consider about how unhealthy what we drink is. This week  I have shared some info about better alcohol choices, so next time we reach for a drink this holiday season, you might be reaching for a healthier option.

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